Homily focused on the Lectionary readings from the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - Jesus Calms the Stormy Sea"
Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Fr. Bill's Web Site
The Da Vinci Cast: mp3 versions via SQPN or mp3 and Enhanced versions via St. Anthony's Podcast
Vote for this Podacast at Podcast Alley
Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Fr. Bill's Web Site
The Da Vinci Cast: mp3 versions via SQPN or mp3 and Enhanced versions via St. Anthony's Podcast
Vote for this Podacast at Podcast Alley
Summer G.I.F.T begins on July 10th and continues through July 14th. Contact the parish office (503-357-2989) if you want to get involved or just want more information.
St. Anthony's Religious Education and Summer G.I.F.T. Programs
Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Fr. Bill's Web Site
Vote for this Podacast at Podcast Alley
Homily focused on Acts 2:1-11 & the Gospel of John 15:26-27; 16:12-15
Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Fr. Bill's Web Site
Vote for this Podacast at Podcast Alley
My notebook computer recorded my homily using the internal mic and not the line input. So, the audio was totally useless! Darn! Sorry. I promise to get it right next week.
St. Anthony's Web Site
Fr. Bill's Web Site
The Starquest Podcast Network (SQPN)
Vote for this Podacast at Podcast Alley
Interview continued with John Knox, Chapter 55 Cont., Movie Review, Malleus Maleficarum, and E-mail.
This is an mp3 version of the previously released episode 4.
iChat© Interview with John Knox, Bad Faith, Chapter 55, Constantine, Council of Nicea, Sunday, and Dust Devils.
This is an mp3 version of the previously released episode 3.
Topics: Gnosticism, Heresy, Credibility, Quest of Truth, Irenaeus, Elaine Pagels, Nag-Hammadi Texts, The Media on Quest for the Historical Jesus, The Garden of Eden, The Holy of Holies, and Bad Translations.
This is an mp3 version of the previously released episode 2.
Claims of the Da Vinci Code, The Historicity of the Early Church, The Search for the Historical Jesus, The Jesus Seminar, Dignity of Women, Nietzsche, and Christian Anthropology.
This is an mp3 version of the previously released episode 1.