Episode 921 (10:14)
In this episode: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan preaches; Have you ever felt alone and abandoned? Did God Abandon Jesus on the Cross? Does he truly abandon us? God is reaching out/emptying himself out for us; What is our response? Offer yourself to God in the Liturgy
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Episode 920 (11:24)
In this episode: How is your lenten observances going? Don't give up if you have struggled or failed; God has written his law of love upon our hearts; All of creation aches; Jesus is the grain of wheat who died and rose so that we could follow
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Episode 918 (12:20)
In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaches; Using a Bull-Roarer; Centrifugal and Centripetal forces that gather and scatter, respectively; God gathers while sin and evil scatters; What are we doing to gather and live like God vs scatter through darkness
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