Episode 535 (16:00)
In this episode: Are You joyful? Describe the Archbishop's Catholic Appeal; Gifts that come back to us; Focus of ACA: Marriage and Family Life; Will you give with joyfully? Reflection on my upcoming new website.
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Episode 534 (28:32)
In this episode: The symbolism of St. John's account of the Wedding at Cana; Spousal analogies in the Scriptures; God wants to espouse us; We should heed Mary's direction to “Do whatever he tells you.” Be in right-ordered relationships.
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Episode 533 (23:11)
In this episode: Why was Jesus Baptized? What would it be like to live sinless? The Church calls us to be baptized in order to be cleansed and follow Jesus; What is the call you have received through your baptism?
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Episode 532 (8:53)
In this episode: Meaning of the world "Epiphany," How does God appear to us? Reflection on the Magi; How does God appear in tough times or tragedies of our lives; Examples from the today's Scriptures; The Year of Mercy and our responsibility
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