Episode 645(15:34)
Issues with the Aspergillum; Imagine a story about a man who drinks the cool aide of the culture; We need to be pruned; What is our reaction to being pruned?
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Episode 644 (26:30)
In this episode: Christ describes us as his flock, friend, and children; How are we these things? Do we believe that we have these relationships with God?
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Episode 643 (25:04)
In this episode: Being on Vacation; MC'ing the Altar Society's Fashioner Show and Tea; Encountering Jesus in the "Breaking of the Bread"; Encountering Jesus by being open to the Scriptures that pertain to Him; Encountering Jesus through food, specifically the Eucharist; What about us? Have encountered Jesus? Do we know our Jewish Heritage? Are we living out God's commandments? When we go on a vacation, do we still attend Mass? Do we truly comprehend and appreciate receiving Jesus in the Eucharist as the consummation of the bride and bridegroom.
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Episode 642 (17:42)
In this episode: Development of Charlie Brown's experience from Nativity to Easter; Two stories of my own suffering and forgiveness; We must pass through suffering and death.
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Episode 641(12:51)
In this episode: Good Friday; Fr. Ray Carey; Story of Sr. Katie O'Toole; Letting go, Suffering, death, mercy, and forgiveness; Will we let Jesus enter into our suffering? Will we be open to Christ's free and amazing grace and divine mercy? Could we let go to God?
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